Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Walk in my shoes

Today we basically were split into people that tested other games and a person who stayed back and took criticism from the group that play tested. There were many faults in our game that were seen when they play tested it. One major change was to Replace a B or T with a normal directional card …to make them one use only. Another added detail that was huge was that we added a polor bear. The objective was to avoid the polar bear…have the bear move around and bring players back to their original spot. Another idea was to have a token on every space that was moved on but that is still in a debate. There are many other changes that need to be done.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5 - Updating Game Theme

We finalized the theme to be of the Arctic All the rules were finalized.
The traps and bonuses from last week were merged with the current them we just thought of.
For each trap and bonus card, there is a picture of the concept, and a description at the bottom (name of the bonus/trap and then a funny catchline)
The back of the cards will have snowflakes. Small - Large sizes of snowflakes on the cards to make it seem random.
We have to make a layout of the whole grid, like a snow wasteland.
The pictures of shoes on the cards will change to snowshoe prints.
Make a Book of Rules - Title: The Survival Guide: How to Survive a Blizzard. It will have the theme, and that you have to escape the coming blizzard by getting to the middle and be safe in the igloo.
Next week, have a layout of the board grid, make the pieces of the games a little smaller, replace shoes with snowshoes